Registration Form First Name *Last Name *Other Name Gender *MaleFemaleOccupation Email *Date of Birth *Passport/ID Number *Driving Licence *Place of Birth *Nationality *Address in Country of Residence Arrived in from Phone Number Date of Arrival Time of Arrival *Company/Agent Name & Address Purpose of Visit (Tick please) TransitBusinessOfficialHoliday/SportsReligion/StudentConferenceVisiting Friends/RelativesOthersNext Destination Outside Kenema/Sierra Leone Date of Departure Guest’s Signature How do you wish to settle your Bill CashCompany AccountCredit CardOrange MoneyAgent voucher BasisAfriMoneyTotal Cash Amount Paid Accept to use this form as my registration for the use of the gym and swimming pool. YesNoReminder Paragraph Text ROOM No. Received By Rate Per Day No. of Persons Check-In Date & Time Short Time Duration of Stay Room Status Remarks CommentSubmit